Monday, January 31, 2011

5k challenge

As a 27 year old, I've had many chances to create (and subsequently break) New Year's resolutions. Because of that, for the last 5 years or so, I've avoided making any at all so as not to be disappointed in the outcome when I fail to succeed. This has worked, but I have to admit I'm certainly not a better person because of it. Knowing all of that, let me tell you about 2011 and why it's a banner year for me.

I've taken a personal challenge (a resolution, if you must) to run 100-5ks this year. If you do the simple math, that's averaging two-5ks a week for 50 weeks, with two weeks off at some point during the year (Thanksgiving slump, anyone?). So far, I've made it 9% of the way through my goal, but it's been hard already!

These aren't official 5ks, mind you, because I'm not made of money ($15 entry fee x 100= too much of my hard-earned money!) and because most races don't allow dogs...Graham & Jake would be very disappointed if I ran so often without ever inviting them, so they've become my new running buddies. They seem to really enjoy the route I've chosen, as about half of it allows them to be off-leash and run at their own pace.

I will post more on the challenge as time goes, so wish me luck!